

First Terminal Exam 2016-17 Subject- Psychology Total Time- 2hrs                                                                                Maximum mark – 50 Note- All question are Compulsory. 1.       Define Psychology , write down scope of Psychology and method of Psychology.             (10) 2.       Explain about Body mind Relationship – modulation process in health and illness.   (5) 3.       What do you understand by Cognitive process....

Neurological Assessment in Psychiatric Nursing of Mental Health Patient

This is provide a clinical outline of Neurological assessment of mental health patient in Psychiatric Nursing, Its involve how a psychiatric Nurse ot a Clinical Nurse should used the neurological assessment tools to evaluate a patient in required. Neurological Examination         I.             Level Of Conciousness 1. Alert / Lethargic / Stuporous / Semi-Comatose / Comatose Score Of Glasgow Coma Scale:       II.             Mental Status Examination ·          General Appearance ·          Speech ·          Thought  Process ·          Mood ·          Cognitive Function -    ...


       In 1960s, psychiatrist Gerald Caplan described levels of prevention specific to psychiatry. He described primary prevention as an effort directed towards reducing the incidence of mental   disorders in a community. Secondary prefer refers to decreasing the duration of disorder while tertiary prevention refer to reducing the level of impairment. PRIMARY PREVENTION Primary prevention seeks to prevent the occurrence of mental disorders by strengthening individual, family and group coping abilities. ROLE OF NURSE IN PRIMARY PREVENTION  Community mental health nurses are in a key position to identify individual, family group needs, conflicts and stressors. Thus they play a major role in identifying high risk groups and preventing the occurrence of mental illness in them. Some interventions include: 1. Individual centred intervention ·          Antenatal ca...


PRINCIPLES OF PAEDIATRIC NURSING INTRODUCTION pediatrics nursing deals with individuals who are going through a period of growth .in the case of adults ,his body will change little during the remainder of his life .whereas in the case of a child he has to accommodates to more than a 3fold increase in length and an approximate 20 fold increase in weight between birth and adolescence so also ,in his muscular and intellectual skills and his emotional controls progress from the rudimentary state of the complex highly integrated level of adults . The newborn undergoes various changes from helpless state of earliest infancy to adolescence where physical and emotional maturity order to provide expert care to children of different age group, the pediatric nurse must equip herself­­­ himself with the principles of child care 1Respect the child’s need regress and help him to accept dependence on other if he resists this. Child is like an adult .he is different from adult i...